Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb. Selamat datang di blog . Pada kesempatan kali ini akan kami bagikan contoh latihan Soal MID / UTS / Ulangan Tengah Semester 1 (Ganjil) Kelas X, XI, dan XII SMA / MA Mapel Bahasa Inggris
Cuplikan Soal Kelas X :
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Silakan klik link di bawah untuk men download soal selengkapnya :
Soal Mid / UTS Bahasa Inggris Semester 1 / Gasal : Kelas X
Soal Mid / UTS Bahasa Inggris Semester 1 / Gasal : Kelas XI
Soal Mid / UTS Bahasa Inggris Semester 1 / Gasal : Kelas XII
Note : Hanya soal, tidak tersedia kunci jawaban
Soal Terkait :
Kumpulan Soal UTS Semester 1 Ganjil Kelas X Lengkap
Kumpulan Soal UTS Semester 1 Ganjil Kelas XI Lengkap
Kumpulan Soal UTS Semester 1 Ganjil Kelas XII Lengkap
Cuplikan Soal Kelas X :
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Pilihlah jawaban a, b, c, d dan e yang menurut anda benar !
This text for question 1 to 5
This is Mr. Haryono’s house. It is big, clean and comfortable. There is a garden in front of the house. The are some plants a flowers in the garden. There is a living room, a dining room, two bathrooms, a kitchen, three bedrooms and a garage
Mr. Haryono has same pets, a dog, and a parrot. Mr. Haryono takes care of the pets very carefully.
1. The type of the text is…
a. Description d. Procedure
b. Recount e. Spoof
c. Narrative
2. What do you call the first paragraph of the text….
a. Orientation d. General classification
b. Identification e. Event
c. Description
3. The communicative purpose of the text is….
a. to present to point about Haryono house d. to persuade reader to keep their house
b. to explain how Haryono maintains his house e. Mr. Haryono have some pets
c. to describe the conditions of Haryono house
4. the text organization of the text is….
a. identification, description d. general clarification, description
b. orientation, event e. orientation, evaluation
c. identification, orientation
5. Mr. Haryono has some pets the are….
a. a cat d. a kitchen
b. a snake e. a garden
c. a boon
The text question 6 to 11
“I have a cat”
Spots is a regular house a cat, he is a adorable cat he is orange for with white and black spots black spots. I lake to cuddle him because his for feels soft, every morning I give spot milk, spot does not like rice , 50 I give him cat food
Spot is active animal he like to run around the house he like to chase everyone in my house when he feel tired or sleeps on the sofa in the living room or sometime under that table
6. what type of the text above….
- report d. recount
- description e. procedure
- narrative
7. Witch the statement is not TRUE according to the text….
- spot this likes rice d. sport usually sleeps on the sofa in the living room
- sport his orange spots e. sport is tired
- spot likes to around the house
Silakan klik link di bawah untuk men download soal selengkapnya :
Soal Mid / UTS Bahasa Inggris Semester 1 / Gasal : Kelas X
Soal Mid / UTS Bahasa Inggris Semester 1 / Gasal : Kelas XI
Soal Mid / UTS Bahasa Inggris Semester 1 / Gasal : Kelas XII
Note : Hanya soal, tidak tersedia kunci jawaban
Soal Terkait :
Kumpulan Soal UTS Semester 1 Ganjil Kelas X Lengkap
Kumpulan Soal UTS Semester 1 Ganjil Kelas XI Lengkap
Kumpulan Soal UTS Semester 1 Ganjil Kelas XII Lengkap
Demikianlah contoh Soal UTS / Ulangan Tengah Semester 1 (Ganjil) Kelas X, XI, XII SMA / MA Mapel Bahasa Inggris. Semoga Bermanfaat.